Monday 18 November 2013

Weekly Update

Alright, so I've been the laziest person when it comes to blogging.  There's absolutely no reason for this.  Although admittedly my life is significantly less interesting now that I'm working.

So, week one of the job is done.  I don't have too much to report because it was really just an introductory week.  I learned the databases and the kind of info I'll be gathering.  More importantly I've confirmed that I get free coffee, my own desk, and occasionally free food.  I also got to go to Faversham (aka Kent) for the first two days of my training.  It was my first time being out of London since getting here, so it was nice seeing some of the countryside.  Sutton (where I'm actually based) is also really cute and apparently has a good shopping mall.

In addition to the excitement of my job I solved a couple of questions I had about food.  I'd been asking around a lot about the milk situation.  Whenever I get coffee they only have skimmed and semi skimmed milk, which is weird.  It turns out that semi skimmed is 2%.  Word on the street is that 1% has been introduced and it has an orange cap.  They allegedly also have whole milk, which might be 10%.  I learned all of this from a bartender because as you all know I'm becoming an alcoholic.  I actually asked around at work, but no one knew the answer to the percentage of semi skimmed milk and then I was asking my friend in a bar and the bartender magically had the answer.  My other question was answered by my housemate.  It was regarding bacon because they only ever seem to have peameal bacon here.  Even on Egg McMuffins.  Apparently they have "streaky bacon"....aka normal bacon, but it's fairly uncommon.

Now for an update on coffee.  There are no cheap coffee places here.  It's simply not a thing.  However, Costa Coffee has some awesome cups on right now.

That was the large.  The medium is a gingerbread theme and I don't know or care what the small is because I'll never get that size.

Now for the biggest news of all....I got an early Christmas gift....and it's a....

Ta da!  A coffee maker!  Up to this point I've been drinking instant coffee and I hate it a lot.  It's not just that the taste is bad, but I can only make one cup at a time.  For someone with a legitimate caffeine addiction this is a big problem.  Now I can make a huge pot and I can program it to make coffee in the morning.  Plus it has a built in filter so that I don't have to buy them.  I have a feeling we're going to be best friends and spend many happy mornings together.  Now I just need to explore what coffees I like.  This time I got Waitrose coffee, which is a store brand.  One pack is the equivalent of one coffee from any place that isn't Starbucks.  By that I mean in cost.  I just realized that I didn't explain that at all.

Oh, right.  I found this place where you can do outdoor skating.  I think it's called Somerset House.  Before you get your hopes up I didn't go skating because you have to book tickets, I don't own skates, and there's the small issue of me being the worst skater to come out of Canada ever.  Everyone here says "You must be so awesome at skating."  I think someone's been spreading a rumor that we all either play hockey or take figure skating.  I actually did take figure skating for a year, but that was a long time ago and since then I've lost every skating skill I once had, which was basically skating backwards and sliding on my knees.  Anyway, it was a cool place and less blurry than my terrible shots make it seem.  I wish I could blame this on being drunk, but I'm actually just a bad photographer.


And there you have it, my sporadic and largely uninformative weekly update.

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