Friday 8 November 2013

The Mysteries of Laundry in the Winter

Since we're moving into winter I'm faced with the problem of laundry yet again.  I was starting to get the hang of it because when it's summer it rains less and therefore your laundry dries quicker.  My strategy is typically to do laundry when it's sunny out so that I can dry them outside and they take one day to dry instead of two.  Now that it's winter it rains just about everyday.  It doesn't necessarily rain for long, but a day can start out sunny and then suddenly it's pouring.  Only for half an hour, but it's enough to soak your clothes, undoing all the dryness.

Just to give you an idea of my drying process I decided I'd post a couple of photos to demonstrate the thought and hard work that goes into laundry in the UK.  I am currently drying my clothes in three separate places.  My underwear I lovingly hang on my bed to spare my roommates from having to see it when they come into the living room.  It's also to spare me embarrassment since I don't have the coolest underwear around.  Of course now it's on the internet with a picture of my teddy bear, so that's probably more embarrassing.

Place #2:  The living room.  This is where I hang my clothes if the day takes a nasty turn from sunny to raining.  It takes longer to dry, but it does the trick in the end.  If I were a normal person I'd just buy a rack for my room so that I could hang my underwear on that and not have to wait for my roommates to be done drying their clothes.  That would take all the challenge out of drying my clothes though.  Plus none of my roommates do it, so I don't want to be the snob who's too good for the public drying racks.

Last but not least, there's the outdoors clothes line.  If I'm home alone I admittedly hang my underwear out there because it dries a lot faster.  Hanging my clothes outside is my favourite because it makes me feel like some old Italian woman who likes her clothes to smell like the fresh air.  Also, I like my clothes to smell like fresh air....or gas since we live right by a major road.

Okay, so obviously this is taken post rainfall.  I decided that I don't care enough about that sweatshirt to bring it back in.  It already got soaked and it will take ages to dry regardless of where it is.  Total side note, do you see that shed in the background?  I tried all my keys on it and it's locked.  I'm convinced there's a dead body in there.  Or maybe somebody's super creepy doll collection.

Anyway, tomorrow is the Lord Mayor's Show.  I might go check it out.  There's a parade and fireworks.  I've decided that the Brits really love their fireworks.  Any sort of event they have ends in them.  I think they like to have a steady stream of them just to keep things interesting.

To sum up this post, I have no idea how to do laundry in the winter here.  It seems impossible since winter is filled with rain.  You have to constantly plan two days in advance so you can have clean clothes.  I'm still not sure why people don't have dryers here.  I actually haven't met one person who owns a dryer.  It's some kind of weird conspiracy.

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