Sunday 3 November 2013

A jaunt to the heath.....

I've been a truly lazy blogger lately and I really have no excuse.  I need to go sit in some more coffee shops because that way I don't get distracted by my housemates and/or the TV.  Columbo and Murder, She Wrote are on everyday.  Who can resist that?  Only a monster.

So I went to Hampstead Heath twice this week because I'm super weird.  I may even go next week.  It's got great views of the city and beautiful trees everywhere.  Plus there were loads of dogs and I was hoping I might be able to steal one.  There was also a ferret on a leash.  I'm not going to lie,  I thought it was weird but also thought about having a pet ferret would be totally awesome.  I'm actually considering trying to volunteer at an animal shelter because I'm starting to go through Bean withdrawal.  I miss her face so much and I'm starting to become that creepy lady who pets every dog she passes.  That was totally off topic.  Hampstead Heath.  Gorgeous.  Go to Parliament Hill for some decent views or a sweet tobogganing hill if it's winter.  There's also a place called Pergola, which is really cool.  You get to walk through some stone building and there's this giant house with a tennis court.  It's awesome.


Oh right.  They also have random ponds and a women and men's swimming area.  It's just a part of the pond sectioned off for you to swim in.  Apparently it's been there for ages and that's why they still have men and women swimming in separate areas.  I asked my friend if I would be zapped by an electrical fence if I tried to jump in the men's area.  He assured me I wouldn't be so in the summer I'm going for it.  For some reason I envision myself doing this with a swimming cap and one piece bathing suit on.  Also, if you're in Hampstead go to the Spaniards Inn.  It's super old and was mentioned by Dickens.  It's got a bunch of rooms you can sit in and the food is decent.

I also went to see some fireworks on Friday.  This Tuesday (November 5) is Guy Fawkes Day, aka Bonfire Night.  Guy Fawkes is basically a guy who is known for being involved in the Gunpowder Plot, which was a plot to overthrow James I and restore Catholicism to England.  He was captured on November 5th, so that's the link (I just want to note that I got this information from Wikipedia.  I'd hate to be nailed for plagiarism on my blog.)  Now every year Brits put on a fireworks show and burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes to commemorate it, which is oddly pagan and therefore very fun.  I have yet to see a burning effigy go down, but the fireworks were phenomenal.  They have some pyrotechnic geniuses in London.  They had some cool swirly ones and ones that seemed like they were rebounding off each other.  Visually stunning.  My hats off to the man who put two weeks and thousands of dollars into his GF fireworks display.  It was a masterpiece.  I'm planning on seeing some on Tuesday as well since that is the official Guy Fawkes Day.  If I don't get to see a burning effigy I'm going to be disappointed.  I'll probably take matters into my own hand and perform the pagan ritual in my backyard.  If I don't write another blog by next weekend it's because my computer and house were burned from a pagan ritual gone wrong.

Total side note:  If you're reading this in North America (so everyone) you can watch V for Vendetta to commemorate Guy Fawkes Day.  It serves the same purpose as burning an effigy.  Although it's less fun, so you should probably just have a bonfire too.

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