Thursday 21 November 2013

My New Heroes

Women who walk in heels in London are like superheroes. All of London isn't cobblestoned, but for the most sidewalks consist of small bricks. I always wear flats and I roll my ankle on a daily basis. No joke. I either trip, get caught in a gap, or have my ankle do a full on roll every morning. So women who wear heels around here are amazing and I aspire to be as awesome as them one day.

On a total side note, I finally woke up to my alarm this morning instead of waking up a thousand times to make sure I haven't slept in. This means I've finally settled into a routine. Since I'm now in a routine I've decided it's finally time for me to stop eating a bag of candy everyday. I think both my teeth and body in general will appreciate this gesture. Besides, I can replace candy with coffee now that I'm not paying a fortune for it everyday. I haven't bought a coffee all week and this pleases me very much.

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