Tuesday 11 February 2014

Five Month Anniversary

Normally I'm terrible at anniversaries, but since I arrived on the ominous day of September 11 is an easy one to remember. I'm finding at this stage is weird to be here because I've forgotten that I sound different. It's not until I met someone new and have to one again explain where I'm from and why I'm here. Apart from that things are sinking into a normal routine of waiting for weekends, complaining about the weather, and constantly reminding myself that I desperately need rain boots. Oddly enough a chick on The Bachelor kind of summed it up best. She said something like the hardest part about moving was missing the culture of home. That was total paraphrasing, but you get the idea. I love it here and it's so amazing, but I'm always aware that nothing's as good as home. I also want to point out that The Bach chick was a Canadian living in Germany, so way more intense than my move. Anyway, happy anniversary to me. At this time next month I'll be hanging out with my first visitor!

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